Friday, 8 November 2013

She flies with a broken wing

She flies with a broken wing.

Faith is funny, it works wonders at times and others it only damages. So she is like the girl who wears her glitter on her mind and her tongue fascinating and mesmerizing everyone who comes passes her. She’s the spotlight among the crowd, everyone sees her. She doesn’t see everyone though; she chooses not to see anyone. As a matter of fact its because she was born with a lesson learnt, ‘Everyone hurts’ which is engraved down her soul and that’s one instance where faith does this irreversible damage; it lets her believe in what she came with and nothing or no one among the crowd has yet had the brave heart to make her unlearn it. She is concrete standing tall and inside she is crumbling like pastry.  She sheds couple grams of hope for a better world every other day without any obstacle without any pillar to hold her up tight.

Spotlight; how does it even work? Does it make you outshine everyone around? Or does it just remind you, maybe you are standing alone highlighted by this careless light over done by pseudo people just like polishing worn out withering stuff. Even if everyone else standing out there is in a little darkness, they are together in that obscurity. That’s what she lives with in her mind, even though she is flying high above them it’s all with a broken wing. I see it in her eyes, the fairy tale she every night reminds her own self to strangle because no one told her it will all work out.

There is this girl, just around you somewhere where you chose not to see her beyond the spotlight. Grab the mind, make her unlearn because your baggage isn't the heaviest sometimes.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Happines; here and there

Where do we find happiness?
You know, the one wrapped with glossy paper, satin ribbons, and glitter? Honestly I have never come across something so amusing!
We keep looking all along, all the time relying on anything but our self for the happiness we long. Why not try giving yourself a good look in the mirror and identifying that maybe you could make up for all the reasons and just that little faith in yourself to be sure that happiness machine is the soul within, you will make wonders happen! It is quite a let-down the annoying level of dependency we have on people and palpable things to bring that smile. Smiling isn’t being happy, glowing is.

You glow only when you not just face and experience but feel it flowing like blood with little happy creatures jumping within, like the high one gets right after climbing the highest peak you came across, the wildest dish you ate, the toughest task you tackled! Oh damn, un complicate your life, don’t lower your expectations just maybe gather all you ‘need’ instead of ‘want’ and it will all work. It somehow always does.

You don’t seem to know what it is to be really having that sunshine feeling seep in every vein of yours making the world appear in good trance, the trance with the lightness and ease. I’ll tell you why, ‘cause you make outlines. You sketch before you know about it and then it hurts.

We wonder, ‘if you loved me, why would you leave me?’ All you have wanted is not always what you need! There can be a shocking amount of difference, difference of a galaxy too.

So find your happiness within, everything else will happen along. Don’t look for the glitter and gloss to make you shine, keep it as simple as a soap bubble they anyway make everyone happy.


Friday, 20 September 2013

It heals,everything does

I thought I would not have to be the one to say goodbye, but times change and so do our little promises and wishes. We are in the future, we thought of yesterday and as I see it; it hasn't yet turned out to be the kinds I would want to settle down for.

So, maybe in the future it’s going to come back to me, the same old glitter, same old dreams and desire to sense the little bit of that magnificent feeling.

It takes just a little puff of unruffled breeze to lightly brush across your conscious to get the faith back.
It’s funny, how every time I let go off my requisite beliefs, the truth seems to stir around me and slam a door, setting off this immense charmed strength to pick up every little loose end of me and beading every little part into a necklace. It’s funny to wonder why we sacrifice the ever enchanting lust. Why do we gather the strength to let go off the things that get us to experience the high? Those things which loosen our heads from our shoulders making us forget momentarily the obligations we all hold to the world?

Time is the strangest gift presented to us, it heals by hurting. Though we should smile at the end of it, and carry the happy face because eventually everything leads us to heal, even the wounds. So wear the happy hat, feel strong and allow yourself to make a few glitches, its life and not death here. Make it worth it.
It’s the last teen, live it. 

Saturday, 29 June 2013


How do we go back to be going ‘okay’?
What does it really take to have what was; to be here again? Is it time, or effort, or is it too much to ask for. Is it letting go and waiting for it to return? But how do you let go off something so dear!
Suddenly it seems this out of the ordinary experience maybe was just even less than ordinary and might have been hyped by the heart’s eye. I have been trying to stop what was; so hard! How can I not remember nature’s rule? You can’t hold onto even a handful of sand if you are clutching too tight; and if you are not clutching it, the wind does take it away. Maybe this wasn’t concrete built, maybe it was the beach sand. It was meant to go and so here it is, leaving. Biding a goodbye everyday it’s just I am looking right through it and not paying heed to it.

Every time I see the sign, I go ahead miss it. Blindfold myself with all deceptions. Bending and breaking you and I. There is so much more to this place! But it’s rather a gloomy fact that everything has been limited to you. So maybe that’s the wakeup call asking me to open myself to the sunshine, to make canopies of my thoughts.

You don’t see.

Everyone falls in love, to feel complete. If it’s otherwise, wake up. x

Monday, 8 April 2013

Mend you: Glue it,tape it.

Effort, it’s all that one needs to give in to make anything work even if that is cracked, broken and lonely.

I walk around, with so much going on in my head, making breathing a tough task and being sober seems a distant dream. You stop thinking straight just when you let everything that bothers you take over but that is no way of living, that is just a way of making life tougher and more complicated, like trying to fix a square in a circle, it wouldn't happen! And even if you manage to push it, it will have hollow spaces, incomplete existence. You got to fit a square in a square, it doesn’t work any other way. Same way, two things would work when both decide to mould their own selves in a similar way, putting aside everything and being two parts fitting into each other. When in doubt, ask yourself, 'Still crazy to grab it, and keep it safe?'

Words blow people apart. So does actions, and then you are unarmed with no come back I discovered a weapon for then; Silence. I haven’t had the strength to use it excessively but it will work, I can bet.
So don't dip in your heart and soul in something that keeps you closer to nightmares and troubles, rather get a little bit stronger and put that glitter gloss and smile away.

Just mix the silence with a zest of walking away and there! You will attain peace. Don't fall in love, Rise instead and if that does not happen walk away.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Dont lose your sparkle

Everything seems cracking at certain point. No, not falling apart just cracking.
Every day sometimes just turns out to be a little bump creating not a very pretty picture, spoiling the smooth texture you want to exist there in your days.

But then you can’t be blaming anything but yourself, ‘cause at the end of it bumps come with a permit, which you granted to that very reason. Every time it happens, blame it on the part of your head that you let it in. You know, you could just settle down for something better, maybe letting go is one of the options. Letting go doesn’t really imply walking away always, but to maybe making that matter of no great shakes.

At times we say and do things to take them out of our system, but then at times it’s not enough. Maybe it’s buried deep inside, or maybe you haven’t really taken it all out. Walk naked with the truth once, or is that too much of a task? It is maybe. So tough to come in terms with the naked truth, it’s so blunt.
That’s about us, we are scared of things that show us what we know of, we cover and hide. We live underground. Change.
Take it off, all the cloaks all the lies all the misbeliefs. And breathe the truth, breath what you see, what you know and what you feel. Let it go in every inch of you. It’ll let you glow, ‘cause you haven’t in a while.
No one gets to take your sparkle, not even you yourself.
Shine on.

Monday, 14 January 2013


What does this word hold for me? The only shade it shows me is of ‘narrowness’. It gets me a little shiver of sheer coldness one experiences when people/things that matter the most to you suddenly become a ‘no one’ or a ‘nothing’. It’s something which sadly can never make things better for anybody.
What happens when it suddenly exists in your little world? Makes it tough? Establishes this completely unexpected wall, cutting you off from all that had mattered.
There are differences, be it the different variety, or choices or the dissimilarities, and then there is ‘indifference’, which appears to be the gloomy extreme of all of that.  Just meaningless conversations, insignificant existence, unimportant relations and inconsequential efforts, are what it’s all about.

Cut across these indifferences, Run and chase the happy light. Be concrete in your faith, that nothing gets a chance to make life a misery and difficult. Smile, ‘cause you don’t always have to grill yourself thinking over the insignificant petite glitches. 

tangled here and there

We always end up asking our own selves   ‘who am I?’ Doesn’t this question creep out the natural process of being aware of things with time?
How easily we say I know him/her inside out; we’ve been together for past ten years now. But we’ve been with ourselves for more than that and yet there are those moments when we end up doubting the acquaintance.  How come getting to know one own self always end up in dilemma’s?  Am I what the world looks at me as? Or am I what I perceive to be? Is my identity what I look like or how I feel? Or is it that I am just a wandering soul caught up in this body to witness and experience this life? Is everything that happens destiny? Are changes not possible? It appears like we are books, already written, but learning and knowing more with every page we read, every day we live.

There is a prologue you have about yourself and then there is this review people have which comes like a clout. That’s the reality, the so called reality, that same harsh reality. The truth. But it’s not always supposed to be harsh. No one is evil, it’s just at times sadly magnified in some cases, and then these people suddenly work on their evil attributes. But then we all, whether with an evil or a good mask are learners, wandering souls in these bodies to learn whether consciously or unconsciously. At times life ends for some at an early age, don’t mourn forever, it was just time for them to wander along and look for another body another lesson, another teaching.

We end up cribbing about the heavy weight of this world. Weight of failures, disappointments, hurt, separation, heartbreak, the miseries don’t end. But one thing can, this heavy weight. How? Cause it’s the hypothetical weight we’re carrying along everywhere we go, it’s our belief in luckless aspects and our ability to holding onto everything that hurts too close and keeping the happy things in distant memories. Drive them close to yourself, they won’t harm.
It all started with the usual query in my head, ’Why I lost the things that mattered a lot to me?”

Questioned my failures, my loss’s .But just then I realized I can’t be holding onto my doubts perpetually, I can’t always be looking for answers of questions which are just the verities of life. Maybe it’s true, how we relate to the light at the end of the tunnel. When we plan out a vacation, your destiny is that place, which holds a special place in your heart, its somewhere you’ve been wanting to go. Maybe it’s a beautiful hill top with a little cozy cottage, or maybe it’s just the sea side with the cool breeze reviving you, the shells adding onto that sense of pureness of soul. But it’s not always dreaming, it’s not always the destiny, it’s the path too. The planning, the do’s and don’ts. It’s the dark tunnels, it’s the much annoying traffic, the abandoned areas, the lost times, the frustration.

Why do we get vacationing in between something so intense?    Because it almost explains the lessons which we prefer unlearned. The destiny is the much fanatical desired place where we want to be. But the path, the troubles, the annoying times, brake downs, the fortune we end up paying to be there.

 Is it that we buy dreams? No it’s the price you pay to ‘achieve’ them, it’s the compromises, sacrifices you make; the tears you shed. Whatever miseries took place, they are a part too of the journey. But aren’t they the one which give you a chance to smile when you’re there, at your destination. Looking back at them, don’t they somewhere makes you cherish them too, with an essence of pride for overcoming them. Let’s face it, these unlucky mishaps are the ones which made it worthwhile, more adventurous. An easy journey is not the best, it won’t make you realize the true value of the dream you’ve wanted to achieve.

So let’s end with a little exercise, breathe in, breathe out, repeat; and now shoot like that pretty star in the dark night sky cause you know you’d make it. There’s always light at then of the tunnel.

-A little dream lover.

Hello Bad dream

Sleep is apparently considered one of the best things that happen to people every day. Mostly the only good thing that happens on a bad day, a necessity for a bad day though. It’s such a wonderful helping hand getting you to momentarily skip the funny sad reality. Then bad dreams happen. And you happen, just like a love scene from one of those daunting nightmares. You throw your words and love around, like a game of paint ball. Hitting me with colorful fictions. So bright, so amusing shuts my eyes to see everything around. You blind me, so do your apparent commitments.

Did you know, everything she did had you at the back of her head. Cover yourself with guilt and plead. ‘Cause maybe that’s all you’ve got left.

 Dreaming about more than you. Dreaming of me and vivid triumphs. Of being loved, of painting the world with my pure imagination, of spilling words out of me for everyone to see and relate and realize that how life is such a gift. Top it with glitter and ribbon’s, be a happy soul cause no one else is going to come and color your life pages but you with the right colors, better than anyone else.

Play your music loud, scream out the part you remember, paint, jump, collect memories and pieces of yourself you let lose in process of getting to catch hold of something you wanted to be yours.
Don’t get caught up, tangled in chains of harsh existing people, ‘cause eventually fake aches and true people shine. Be your own shining star, bright in this world. Live every moment, because you don’t get to put everything on rewind.
