Tuesday 19 August 2014

Its nothingness, stop clinging .

It doesn't just take breathing to survive in a world we have arrived to, takes a little beyond that. I have been taught and it is somewhat embedded in me to be the kind who gives selflessly, to be the idol being and I quite agree with it. Though now, there is a slight diverge from that belief.
There is a very thin line between selflessly giving and being foolish, and trust me it’s not a noble idea to be at the latter position. One goes round and round and deeper while giving causing a stagnant winter, dry winter in your own heart and mind.
Love selflessly but never foolishly and if you are there, keep your head high and not bent low cause your love wasn’t appreciated. You only lose a part which anyway didn’t feel the same but they
lose someone who feels absolute tenderness, warmth and an unselfish ardour. We have to fight to win, but when you see you are losing or maybe fighting for something which is long gone then believe otherwise; you are winning. Victory would not sink in today, but shortly when all that you held within just leaks out.
We deserve to be loved, and to love. And if someone or rather anyone chooses to see through all that you hold and self-harm by preferring all that injures them because making a change is worse than a life and death decision, then you rather let go and wander along cause holding onto thin air and hopeless declarations is only going to devoid you of sunshine and all the glitter. So breathe, and leave.
Cause no one is anyway asking you to stay.

Stop clinging onto nothingness.


Wednesday 2 April 2014

Make them fade, they anyway lie.

Lies are truths about life, that people can blind you and colour your thoughts in the most aching way. Lies injure you, and make you dwindle away all of that little faith you managed. It’s like we lie to get a hit, to have a muddled view just so it hurts little less in the head but we miss onto the ravage caused to our heart and soul, it scars and stays. Why do you do this? Why lie to me?
Is it fear?
Fear is that one thing that has ruined each one of us making living like a mission with way too many false people and false promises nicking away faith trust and whatever pieces of love that remains.  How easy would it be, if they could hear us, our thoughts the ones we have right when we are not together or while we retire for the day and every single passing moment is a message to them in our head and heart, ‘I think of you, even when you choose to not see’. But for how long will you let dysfunctionality sting you? You need to rise, it’s been a while since you felt the sunshine seep through your skin enlightening every vein every cell within you making you light and happy. There comes this time, when taking two steps back and one step away is going to make you move forward. Let go off all that you have been clutching to so tensely! You are missing onto the little happier things only because you think you can’t survive without them stinging; you can. Give up, it might add onto for the better.

Know the secret of this life; no one is going to fend for you it’s just going to be you, saving your own self. You can stand tall; your existence isn’t dependent on if they want you. Be so strong and whimsical that people will need you and you’d always glow in the dark.
You’re complete, don’t worry. It’d just fall into place.